When selecting the best spray nozzle to handle your process-critical applications, there is no need to compromise efficiency and longevity. BETE’s MP full cone nozzle has been the worldwide standard of excellence for over 45 years in numerous applications, even those when entrainment is a risk, and for good reason.
Let’s explore why the BETE MaxiPass is the most viable spray technology for achieving high performance with low entrainment and minimal energy usage.
Proven Track Record
Since its invention in 1976, the BETE MaxiPass nozzle has proven efficient and reliable, with decades of successful installations in countless critical processes worldwide, such as foam control, mist elimination, pollution control, gas scrubbing, and cooling.
Made in the USA With Quick Delivery
Located in Greenfield, MA, BETE is the only nozzle manufacturer with a complete in-house investment casting foundry, ensuring optimal quality, pricing, and lead time.
Available In Durable Materials
We offer the MP in robust metallurgies, including various Nickel Alloys, Duplex 2205, and Cobalt Alloy 6. Nozzles cast in these materials ensure the longevity of the nozzle’s spray performance in the most corrosive and abrasive process conditions. BETE also offers various plastic options for applications where alloy nozzles are not the ideal solution.
More Comprehensive Range of Flow Rates
BETE’s MaxiPass series can spray a competitive range of flow rates, from 1.7 to 510 gpm. The larger-flowing nozzles are ideal for higher-flowing gas velocities where a larger droplet size is required.
Differential Pressure to Spray Pattern Yielded
BETE’s MP Nozzle can achieve its spray pattern with a differential pressure of 3 psi, one of the lowest required pressures in the industry for comparable products. An alternative nozzle’s pattern risks collapse/attenuation due to lower exit velocities. The benefit of using the MP is lower utility usage and coarser droplets with stable and consistent spray angle coverage that fights entrainment effectively with optimal efficiency.
Minimizing Pressure Drop
The expertly engineered design of the BETE MaxiPass minimizes pressure drop by limiting sharp turns and changes in direction, which can lead to costly pressure losses. This geometry results in more energy transfer into the spray than alternative designs.
Industry Leading Free Passage
BETE’s MaxiPass routinely clocks in at 80%-90% of the orifice diameter, nearly double a traditional axial full cone nozzle, and sprays reliably in harsh conditions between long maintenance intervals of 4-7 years. Our MP nozzle meets critical mandates for free passage. BETE’s MaxiPass Nozzle is a straight axial design with no sharp corners or sudden changes in fluid direction, limiting opportunities for plugging or clogging.
Find Performance Assurance With BETE Engineering Services
BETE’s MP Nozzle has decades of outstanding service in extensive applications worldwide.
Still trying to decide if the MP is the right solution for your process? Contact our Applications Engineering Team at appeng@bete.com for expert advice and assistance with nozzle selection. We also offer state-of-the-art testing capabilities through our Advanced Spray Engineering Services, which include Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), physical modeling, droplet size measurement, and design of experiments. For testing information, please contact our Manager of Advanced Spray Engineering Services, Dan DeLesdernier, at ddel@bete.com.