Greenfield, MA 01301
United States
Terms and Conditions: Prices quoted are FOB, Greenfield, MA. Terms are Net 30 days for approved accounts. Minimum order is $150.00 net. A restocking charge of 30% will apply for standard product accepted for return up to one year from the date of purchase. BETE FOG NOZZLE reserves the right to charge interest on past-due accounts. No goods may be returned without prior authorization. Non-Standard items are not subject to return. BETE FOG NOZZLE reserves the right to make changes in specifications or design at any time without notice. Illustrations shown in this catalog are for information only. Warranty—all goods are warrantied for good workmanship in accordance with industry standard and will perform in accordance with the products’ specification. Limitation of Liability—BETE’s liability shall be limited to the value of the product billed arising from a purchase order.